Results for "R"

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  Title Copies
Railroads: an American journey 
Year: 1975 
ISBN: 0316733008 
ISBN 13: 9780316733007 
Call No: USA BAL 
Railway milk cars, volume 4: (DL&W milk cars part 2) 
Call No: Shelf 4 
Ride down memory lane: the story of the Branford Trolley Museum, East Haven. Connecticut 
Call No: BTM RID 
Railway economics: a treatise on the problem of how to increase the earnings of freight equipment 
Year: 1901 
Call No: USA ING 
Rolling stock plan book 
Edition: Second revised edition, second printing 
Year: 1971 
ISBN: 0911868003 
ISBN 13: 9780911868005 
Call No: CAR ROL 
Railroads of Central New York 
Year: 1943 
Call No: NY BAR 
Rail city program March 16, 1994. 
Year: 1994 
Call No: VHS 1857 
Recollections of the Fall Brook Railroad 
Year: 1998 
Call No: NYC CAM 
Roster of rolling stock: Third Avenue Railway System and subsidiaries 
Year: 1953 
Call No: TARS SEY 
Rules of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company for the government of the Operating Department 
Year: 1908 
Call No: CS