Results for "M"

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  Title Copies
Model railroading's guide to the Railway Express Agency: an ovverview 
Year: 1992 
ISBN: 0961269251 
ISBN 13: 9780961269258 
Call No: REX ROS 
Model buildings and how to make them 
Year: 1979 
ISBN: 0690013418 
ISBN 13: 9780690013412 
Memories of the Lehigh Valley Railroad 
Call No: VHS 1832 
My iron journey: an autobiography of a life with steam and steel 
Year: 1967 
Call No: BIO KUH 
Metro-North's Hudson line : Poughkeepsie to Oscawana 
Year: 2004 
ISBN: 0965136450 
Call No: MNCW PAN 
Memories of the of the route of the Black Diamond 
Call No: DVD 1874 
Memories of the Lackawanna RR 
Call No: VHS 1833 
Memories of the Lehigh Valley Railroad volumes III and IV 
Year: 2004 
Call No: DVD 1800 
Modern locomotives 
Year: 1935 
Call No: LOCO BEA 
Movie "Broadway Limited" (1941) 
Call No: DVD 1894