Results for "R"

Page 7 of 22

  Title Copies
Running a steam locomotive: the video encyclopedia of steam locomotive operation, volume one 
Year: 1995 
Call No: CS 
Reading diesels: volume 2, the second generation 
Year: 1995 
ISBN: 0962084476 
ISBN 13: 9780962084478 
Call No: RDG WOO 
Railroads across America: a celebration of 150 years of railroading 
Year: 1998 
ISBN: 0760306427 
ISBN 13: 9780760306420 
Rails north, Lehigh Valley Railroad 
Year: 1990 
Call No: LV RAI 
Report on profitability of New York State branch lines 
Year: 1974 
Call No: NY NYS 
Railroads remembered : the history of railroads in western New York and western Pennsylvania 
Edition: Second edition 
Year: 2014 
ISBN: 0692030042 
ISBN 13: 9780692030042 
Call No: RGMA MAC 
Railroads in the nineteenth century 
Year: 1988 
ISBN: 0816020124 
ISBN 13: 9780816020126 
Call No: CS 10 
Rails in the Northwest: a contemporary glimpse 
Year: 1978 
ISBN: 0918654270 
ISBN 13: 9780918654274 
Call No: USA HIL 
Railroads in the streets of Syracuse 
Year: 2011 
Call No: CD-ROM 1875 
RDG color guide to freight and passenger equipment  
Year: 1993 
ISBN: 1878887297 
ISBN 13: 9781878887290 
Call No: RDG BOS