Results for "M"

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  Title Copies
Memories of the Lehigh Valley 
Call No: DVD 1794 
Midwest miscellany May 1993 
Call No: DVD 1755 
Minnesota Transportation Museum: Como Harriet Trolley 
Call No: DVD 1762 
Memories of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, Volume 2: steam and diesel 
Call No: VHS 1831 
Memories of the Lehigh Valley Railroad 
Call No: VHS 1832 
Memories of the Lackawanna RR 
Call No: VHS 1833 
Memories of the Lehigh Valley Railroad volumes III and IV 
Year: 2004 
Call No: DVD 1800 
Memories of the of the route of the Black Diamond 
Call No: DVD 1874 
Mixed train daily: a book of short-line railroads 
Edition: Second printing 
Year: 1947 
Call No: CS 
Modern railways 
Year: 1980 
ISBN: 0525707271 
ISBN 13: 9780525707271 
Call No: CS