
Publisher: New York Central Railroad Company [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Examination for firemen; first, second and third series of examinations and answers and examination for hostler; locomotive operation including automatic train stop, mechanical  
Year: 1949 
Call No: CS 
Examination for firemen; first, second and third series of examinations and answers and examination for hostler; locomotive operation including automatic train stop, mechanical  
Year: 1945 
Call No: CS 
Instructions for operation of diesel electric road locomotives-all classes and examination, questions and answers for enginemen and firemen 
Year: 1948 
Call No: CS 
Local passenger tariff no. 377-third issue: (cancelling local passenger tariff no, 377-second issue: one way fares, also mileages and basis for constructing round-trip fares between stations on the Mohawk Division, Troy, N.Y. to Syracuse, N.Y.; ... 
Year: 1948 
Call No: CS 
Man, mind and material: a brochure describing and illustrating the work of Cleveland Technical Center, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of the New York Central Railroad Company  
Call No: NYC MAN 
Operating instructions, class DFA-5a, DFA-5b, DPA-3a, Fairbanks-Morse diesel locomotives 5000 to 5005, inc., 5100 to 5101, incl., and 4405 to 4405 incl. 
Year: 1949 
Call No: CS