
Author: White, John H. [ All ]

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  Title Copies
A history of the American locomotive, its development: 1830-1880 
Edition: 1st 
Year: 1980 
ISBN: 0486238180 
ISBN 13: 9780486238180 
Call No: LSTM WHI 
A history of the railroad hand car 
Year: 1978 
Call No: SELF WHI 
A short history of American locomotive builders in the steam era 
Year: 1982 
Call No: LSTM WHI 
American single locomotives and the "Pioneer" 
Year: 1973 
Call No: LSTM WHI 
Cincinnati locomotive builders 1845-1868 
Year: 1965 
Call No: LSTM WHI 
Cincinnati locomotive builders 1845-1868 
Edition: Second edition 
Year: 1967 
Call No: CS 102 
Cincinnati locomotive builders: 1845-1868 
Edition: Third edition 
Year: 2004 
ISBN: 0976034603 
ISBN 13: 9780976034605 
Call No: LSTM WHI 
Early American locomotives 
Year: 1972 
ISBN: 0486227723 
ISBN 13: 0800759227723 
Call No: LSTM WHI 
Introduction of the locomotive safety truck 
James Millholland and early railroad engineering